October 21, 2007

Lesson 23E


Lesson 23E

Review Session...

I. Greeting:

How are you? I'm (형용사)

How you doing? I'm doing...

How you been? I've been...

Exercise 1:
Partner 랑 3 가지 Greetings 하세요.

II. 어때/어땠어?

How is your day? It is...(형용사)
How is work? It is (형용사)

How are the kids? They are (형용사)
How are your children? They are (형용사)

How was your weekend? It was (형용사)
How was your week? It was (형용사)

Partner 랑 How is/How was 물어보세요

III. What did You...?

What did you do last weekend? I went out with my family.
What did you eat for breakfast? I ate rice and soup.
What did you do last night? I drank with my colleagues.

Partner 랑 What Did you... 물어보세요

IV. When did You...?

When did you get home last night? I got home at 2 in the morning.*
When did you study? I studied this morning.

새벽 1시 부터 6시 까지 는 (시간) in the morning 로 말해야돼

Partner 랑 When Did you... 물어보세요

V. Where did You...?

Where did you go last weekend? I went to Pusan last weekend?
Where did you meet your friends? We met at 종로.
Partner 랑 Where Did you... 물어보세요

Basic Grammar: Should/Should Have

For should, please use only for benefit. If you do it, it’s beneficial.
Subj + Should + Verb + __________________________

Q) What should you do?
A) I should sleep earlier.

Q) What should you do?
A) I should drink less.

Q) What should you do?
A) I should eat better.

Please make a dialogue using the should dialogue.

Use this format for regret.
Subj + Should Have + Verb ___________

Q) What should you have done?
A) I should have studied harder in high school.

Q) What should you have done?
A) I shouldn’t have drank too much last night.

Please make a dialogue using should have format

Please make a basic dialogue
A) How are you?
B) I'm good, how you doing?
A) I'm doing good
B) I'm glad to hear that, how was your weekend?
A) It was uneventful, how about you?
B) It wjavascript:void(0)
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